Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human Sexuality - Essay Example Humans in particular select mates on the basis of competition with other males to have held of the female or for choice of similar interests (Films Media Group). It should be noted that even scientists have proved that the mate selection among humans and bonobon have relatively similar mate selection behavior. Humans tend to enjoy sexual intercourse with a mate who is more reactive. In particular, female animals are more selective like female humans. Also, male bonobon would undertake sexual intercourse for relaxing or becoming friendly. Similar behavior is found among humans as well in terms of sexual intercourse. Humans would enjoy sexual intercourse if both the mates are able to enjoy different positions such as missionary, dog style or more which are broadly used among bonbons as well (Frans). Bonobon would select female bonobon who are more swelled (estrus period) which means that they are more receptive in terms of sexual intercourse. This is common among humans as well women tend to be more receptive of sex when they are close to their ovulation. This may be indicated by the hormonal urges and the feelings that would make them more persistent. Also, it has been observed that sexual selection does not involve the next kin to be involved in the sex for natural reasons. This is common among humans as well as they tend to make love to all except the next to kin. Sexual selection can imply a great impact on social organization. For instance, if a chimp selects a female chimp for sexuality, it will always keep a control on itself and follow monogamy while polygamy is noted among gorillas which will cause social organization to get affected for long. The evolution of primates has also shown that the sexual selection can have long term impact on social organization. This can be viewed in the sense that a chimpanzee needs quick mating with another chimpanzee (female) as soon

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Vision of the Researcher as a Neutral Social Scientist Essay Example for Free

The Vision of the Researcher as a Neutral Social Scientist Essay The approach to any of the social scientists has always been one of detachment.   Any researcher or scientist in any of the fields of Social Science will emphasize the need for the scientist to maintain a neutral stance and maintain a certain level of distance from the research subjects.   Recently, there have been schools of thought that challenge this perception, arguing that once a researcher has been â€Å"captured† he becomes a participant in the â€Å"fierce fight to construct reality† (Latour and Woolgar, 1979, pg 31). Other schools of thought criticize the vision of the researcher as a neutral social scientist by insisting that there is no way that a researcher can maintain neutrality in this field (Mulkay, 1983).   These criticisms on the vision of the researcher as a neutral social scientist now raise a relevant issue in this field pertaining to what is necessary to become an effective researcher. This discourse will therefore seek to resolve the issue regarding the neutrality of researchers in social science by first identifying the particular needs of social science as a discipline and then by analyzing the traits that have made the researcher effective.   The next segment will discuss the relevance of maintaining neutrality as a researcher or social scientist. The analysis portion will attempt to shed light on the criticisms raised regarding this issue and to show how they may be effective traits or characteristics of researchers.   Finally, this study will attempt to synthesize the proper traits that make for an effective researcher given the complexity of the issues surrounding the current discipline of social science by proposing that the neutral approach may not always be best suited for every study in this field. The Social Sciences   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Social Sciences are basically characterized as academic disciplines that study and examine the human aspects of the world.   While social sciences studying subjective, inter-subjective and objective or structural aspects of society, the scientific method, including quantitative and qualitative methods is often used in this field.   Thus social science had a need for theoretical purity which was addressed by the scientific method (Sasson, 1997).   The triumphs of mankind in the field of natural sciences such as biology and physics planted the seed for the idea that human society and actions could be studied under the framework of the â€Å"scientific method†.   The prominence of this idea soared as it provided hope that a complete understanding of the nature of humans was possible and that the affairs of human beings could now be more rationally controlled.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the greatest problems of the field of social sciences lies in the fact that there have been problems delineating the role of social scientists due to the nature of their work and the relative significance of the field that they are studying (Sasson, 1997).   The role of the researcher in social sciences has been affected by the perception of people that social science does not provide a clear line as to the role it plays, whether as a pure researcher, a technocrat or as a public moralist.   This is the source of most of the controversies regarding the vision of the researcher as a neutral social scientist. The Researcher   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A researcher must possess certain traits and characteristics to preserve the theoretical purity and integrity of any scientific work under the scientific method.   This trait however is made most difficult to possess because of the human tendency to create bias or to completely detach oneself from other social beings.   There are however certain guidelines and rules that are helpful in delineating the role and setting the amount of â€Å"acceptable† involvement that an effective researcher may have with the research subjects.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As mentioned in the previous section, there have been problems with regard to the role of researchers and thus creating controversy over their neutrality.   For the purposes of this section, the role of a social scientist as a pure researcher and what makes him effective will be briefly discussed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An effective researcher is able to properly understand the qualitative and quantitative approaches to empirical research.   Ideally, an effective researcher is able to come up with conclusions or theories regarding the action of humans in society by simply just â€Å"crunching the numbers† (Chubin, 2003, pg 75).    The quantitative was seen as the more accurate method as it was in line with the principle of the scientific method and since it principally worked by gathering data through objective methods.   This enabled researchers to provide relevant information concerning relations, comparisons, and predictions.   This was the initial attempt at removing the investigator from the investigation, or in this case, detaching the researcher from the research subject (Smith, 1983).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the social sciences began to expand and it became apparent that the scientific method of employing a quantitative approach was not enough, more and more disciplines in the social sciences began requiring that the interview become a more interested part, or more involved in the research study that had to be conducted (Jacob, 1988).   This led to the emphasis now on maintaining the neutrality as a researcher. Relevance of Neutrality as a Researcher   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As previously mentioned, the most important aspect of being an effective researcher lies in being able to maintain total or at least an acceptable level of impartiality with regard to the subject matter as well as the research subjects.   More often than not, most researches become drawn into the conflict because of the nature of man as a social being (Wolcott, 1990).   Social Sciences, as the name implies, demands a certain level of interaction between the researcher and the subjects for the study which has in turn led to the criticism that it is impossible to attain total impartiality in the field of Social Sciences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Participant Observation is one of the key tasks in the social sciences and it deals with involvement in the development of the research object or study.   The problem here is that more often than not these acts are considered as acts of intervention on the part of the researcher and tend to affect the credibility and integrity of whatever research is being conducted (Hacking, 1983).   There for the relevance of such neutrality becomes apparent because for a researcher to be able to maintain a certain level of credibility and assume a certain moral standard, it becomes necessary to adopt a position that is neutral to the issue and neutral with the subjects of the study. Criticisms against Neutrality   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The foremost criticism against the neutrality of social scientists and researches is that the so called neutrality of any social scientist or researcher in the field of social sciences is a myth particularly when it comes to controversies surrounding the issue (Scott, 1990).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Neutral researchers of the social sciences†, according to Scott, Richards and Martin (1990), â€Å"will be always be thought of by participants as being on the side of the underdog† (pg 480).   Regardless of the fact that the researcher is neutral, whatever work he accomplishes, he will always been drawn into a debate concerning his topic (Collins, 1979). One field of social science where this has been prevalent is in controversy analysis.   While according to a study on this issue, â€Å"the disadvantage of studying controversies is that it may give an unrealistic picture of the day-to-day operations of normal science,† it cannot be denied that this is a growing field of interest and has also invited the participation of researchers of the social sciences in an attempt to further understand human behavior (Mulkay 1983). There is impossibility in keeping the neutrality that a researcher is required to possess particularly in this field.   Though a researcher may insist on his neutrality, the problem arises once the researcher is drawn into a debate surrounding the controversy and the neutrality that is demanded can no longer be maintained. What this school of thought therefore proposes is that in order for a researcher to maintain his impartiality particularly in this field or in other fields in the social sciences which require intervention and interaction, a certain level of acceptable â€Å"partiality† must be allowed for.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The next criticism is one against the utter impossibility of conducting experiments without any degree of interaction between the researcher and the subjects of the study in order to prevent any biases and involvement (Ribes, 2005).   The degree of intermingling and cross disciplines among the social sciences and even natural sciences today has created a problem for the researcher to maintain the vision of his neutrality (Bowker, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been accepted that Participant Observation is relevant in the conduct of research in the social sciences and that it does allow for a certain degree of involvement.   The problem now lies in the significance of the study as a totally neutral research study can quickly become a very biased study depending on the degree of relevance it has to society.   An example of this would be research on certain factors in society that contribute to violence. Too much intervention and involvement can lead to too much media participation that the sample becomes unusable.   Since social sciences deal with people, any intervention can be seen as contaminating the samples since people become aware of the study and may no longer react naturally.   It is clear however that there is a need for intervention because of the cross disciplines that have been developed over the years and it cannot be denied that such are more effective and accurate at coming up with ground breaking studies (Ribes, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other major criticism is that social scientists are unable to clearly research anything without any biases because of the strong link or bond between social scientists or researches and the state (Baritz, 1960).   Relevant historical accounts state that even as early as 1662, England and France have utilized the services of social researchers to further the ends of the state (Popper, 1945).   The state is therefore theorized by some to be the father of social scientists and researchers and as such the social sciences cannot exist without the state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This attack on the neutrality of researchers of the social sciences uses the findings that there has constantly been state support for the social sciences and as such these researches owe a certain allegiance to the state and cannot be considered as purely impartial because of this so called â€Å"intrinsic link† (Popper, 1945).   The strength of this argument lies in the assumption that without the state, no society can exist and therefore leading to the conclusion that social sciences cannot exist without society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While there may be logic to this argument against the vision of the researcher as a neutral social scientist, emotionally detached and socially separated from their research subjects, this is the   weakest argument as such because it basis most of its arguments on unproven relationships.   The arguments presented in this criticism clearly show the bias of the researcher with regard to the issue and subject matter. This criticism, however, lends strength to the main flow of this discourse.   This shows that it is in the nature of the researcher as a human being to create certain assumptions and bias that make it impossible to maintain total impartiality and neutrality with respect to the field that he is currently involved in.   Secondly, this also shows how letting go of one’s neutrality in favor of bias and disposing of the scientific method can lead to very faulty assumptions and poorly conceived arguments. It is because of these reasons that lead to the findings that theory that the vision of the researcher as a neutral social scientist, emotionally detached and socially separated from their research subjects, cannot be totally abrogated and must be accepted to a certain degree while allowing for the field to progress given the various advancements in the field of social sciences. Application of Contemporary Social Theories   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In analyzing the criticisms against the vision of the researcher as a neutral scientist, it is relevant that this be analyzed in the context of contemporary social theories.   The first contemporary social theory that is relevant in this case is structural functionalism and how it shows the difficulty in maintaining a certain level of detachment from the subject of the study.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Structural Functionalism basically tackles the relationship of social activity of human beings to the overall social system that exists in their society (Barnard 2000).   The relevance of this theory in formulating the basic guidelines in guiding researches to maintain a neutral stance lies in the fact that all human beings, researchers included, belong to a basic social structure from which it is impossible to detach oneself from.   The fact that integral units of every society work together unconsciously towards the maintenance of overall social stability means that a researcher is also unconsciously involved in the social issue which he is studying (Barnard 2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another theory of significance in this discourse is the views of contemporary feminism.   â€Å"Contemporary feminism†, according to Grosz, (1994), â€Å"is the negation of factors such as: relationship of gender, sexuality, and the daily lives of specific women to collective needs, capital, labor, and their relation in the mode of production.† (pg 153)   Essentially, the contribution of this contemporary social theory is that it provides a solid framework for establishing a method by which a researcher is able to maintain academic credibility and integrity by being able to participate objectively in the studies being conducted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The method by which contemporary feminism has disconnected itself from the struggles of changing the social relations that affect women’s lives should serve as a model by which a researcher should also be able to disconnect himself from not only the subject matter of the study but the other factors as well (Grosz, 1994).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These two perspectives on contemporary social theories then provide the backbone for the argument in the next segment which will show how a researcher can still be effective as a neutral social scientist. Effectiveness of a Researcher as a Neutral Social Scientist   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This discourse has so far shown that the traditional method of maintaining total impartiality is very difficult if not impossible to achieve.   It defies that characterization of man as a social being and goes against the natural order of humans as social beings.   This leads one to the conclusion that there are positive points that one can learn from the criticisms.   It is therefore relevant at this point of this study to assess the validity of such criticisms and if possible synthesize the main points of the arguments to form a single guideline regarding the role of researchers and in the vision of maintaining not only the â€Å"perceived† neutrality but also the reliability and integrity of any work by a researcher in the field of the social sciences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first key to being an effective researcher therefore lies in the ability to abide by the principles of the â€Å"scientific method† and in being able to conduct the research, analyze the data and properly maintain a certain distance from the subject matter (Scott, 1990).   Yet, it has been proven in this discourse that intervention is relevant and thus total neutrality cannot be maintained by the researcher.   This leads to the second key to the success and effectiveness of the researcher.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A researcher must therefore maintain the vision of impartiality and neutrality despite the participant observation that is required in the pursuit of certain studies (Collins, 1979).   While the researcher may be linked with and interact with the subject of the study, detachment is not totally necessary to maintain that neutrality that is required (Ribes, 2005).   This problem is also resolved in controversy resolutions and debates which, as previously mentioned, reveal whatever biases may have existed and at the same time this may also improve the integrity and credibility of the research project in question.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is therefore clear that the vision of researchers as a neutral social scientist emotionally detached and socially separated from their research subjects is not required in all aspects of the social sciences and can be accepted within a certain degree in order for this field to be able to advance the current level of understanding on society and of human interactions. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, the vision of researchers as neutral social scientist, emotionally detached and socially separated from their research subjects is correctly criticized by most groups for the main reason that the demands of social sciences given all the various technological advances and methods by which impartiality may be threatened.   The danger that the integrity of the social sciences will be deeply questioned by the continued practice of total neutrality is apparent. In order to cope with the ever changing disciplines and to properly apply the deeper understanding of cultures, society and human interactions, it is important to adopt a method that is flexible enough to adapt to the needs of this discipline.   It is therefore important to maintain an acceptable degree of involvement or participation while still being aware of the unintended consequences that it may bring as well as the danger of too much intervention.    References: Baritz, L. (1960) The Servants of Power. A history of the use of social science in American industry, Wesleyan University. Barnard, A. (2000). History and Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Bowker, G. C. and Star, S. L. (1999) Sorting things out: classification and its consequences. MIT Press. Cambridge, Mass. Collins, H. M., and Pinch, T.J. (1979) The construction of the paranormal: Nothing unscientific is happening. In Sociological Review Monograph No. 27: On the margins of science: The social construction of rejected knowledge, edited by Roy Wallis, 237-70. Keele University Press: University of Keele. Chubin R., Daryl E., and Restivo S. (1983). The mooting of science studies: research programmes and science policy. In Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science, Karin D. Knorr-Cetina and Michael Mulkay (eds), 53-83. London: Sage. Grosz, E. (1994) Volatile Bodies: Toward A Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Indiana Hacking, I. (1983) Representing and intervening: introductory topics in the philosophy of natural science. Cambridge Cambridgeshire; New York, Cambridge University Press. 1983 Jacob, M. (1988) Utilization of social science knowledge in science policy: Systems of Innovation Social Science Information. 45: 431-462 Latour, A., Bruno, W. and Woolgar, S. (1979) Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts. London: Sage. Mulkay, M, Potter, J. and Yearley, S. (1983). Why an analysis of scientific discourse is needed. In Science Observed: Perspectives on the Social Study of Science, ed. Karin D. Knorr-Cetina and Michael Mulkay, 171-203. London: Sage.    Popper, K.(1945) â€Å"Much of our social science still belongs to the Middle Ages., The Open Society and its Enemies. Princeton University Press. New Jersey Ribes, D. (2005) The Positions of the Social Scientist: Social and Technical Acts of Intervention Sociology and Science Studies, University of California-San Diego â€Å"Stufying Digital Library Users in the Wild JCDL Workshop Sasson, H. (1997) On Social Science London School of Economics Centennial Address, London School of Economics Press, London Scott, P, Richards, E. and Martin, B. (1990) Captives of Controversy: The Myth of the Neutral Social Researcher in Contemporary Scientific Controversies Published in Science, Technology, Human Values, Vol. 15, No. 4, Fall 1990, pp. 474-494 Smith, G. (1983) An International Review of Research in the Social Dimensions of Science and Technology Volume 13, No. 1 Sage Publications Wolcott, H.R. (1990) Qualitative inquiry in education: The continuing debate. New York. Teachers College Press Pp 121-152.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Battles on the United Home Front and the end of Bismarck :: essays research papers fc

Battles on the United Home Front and the end of Bismarck   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the defeat of Austria in 1866 until 1878 Bismarck was allied primarily with the National Liberals. Together they created a civil and criminal code for the new empire and accomplished Germany's adoption of the gold standard and move toward free trade. Just as they had earlier written off Bismarck as an archconservative, liberals now viewed him as a comrade--a man who had rejected his conservative roots. Many conservative leaders agreed with this assessment. Bismarck had cashiered kings, gone to war against conservative regimes, and adopted policies that promoted rapid industrialization. Their fears were further enhanced when he joined liberals in a campaign against political Catholicism (Kulturkampf) in 1873 (Carr).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bismarck had not counted on the emergence of new parties such as the Catholic Centre or the Social Democrats, both of whom began participating in imperial and Prussian elections in the early 1870s. Along with the left liberal Progressive Party, he labeled them all enemies of the empire (Reichsfeinde). Each in its own way rejected his vision of a united Germany. The Progressives found the empire too conservative and its elite essentially feudal; the socialists questioned its capitalist character; and for the Centre the empire was Protestant and too centralized (Kent). Bismarck's aim was clearly to destroy the Catholic Centre Party. He and the liberals feared the appeal of a clerical party to the one-third of Germans who professed Roman Catholicism. In Prussia the minister of public worship and education, Adalbert Falk, with Bismarck's blessing, introduced a series of bills establishing civil marriage, limiting the movement of the clergy, and dissolving religious orders. All church appointments were to be approved by the state. Clerical civil servants were purged from the Prussian administration. Hundreds of parishes and several bishoprics were left without incumbents (Sempell). The Kulturkampf failed to achieve its goals and, if anything, convinced the Catholic minority that their fear of persecution was real. Bismark gradually relented in his campaign, especially after the death of the activist pope, Pius IX, in 1878. But he never relented in his hatred for the Centre leader, Ludwig Windthorst, a Hanoverian who had earlier experienced Bismarck's methods in the annexation of his kingdom. Bismarck's speeches continued to be barbed with anticlericalism until his fall in 1890 (Carr). In 1878-79 Bismarck initiated a significant change in economic policy, which coincided with his new alliance with the conservative parties at the expense of the liberals. Battles on the United Home Front and the end of Bismarck :: essays research papers fc Battles on the United Home Front and the end of Bismarck   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the defeat of Austria in 1866 until 1878 Bismarck was allied primarily with the National Liberals. Together they created a civil and criminal code for the new empire and accomplished Germany's adoption of the gold standard and move toward free trade. Just as they had earlier written off Bismarck as an archconservative, liberals now viewed him as a comrade--a man who had rejected his conservative roots. Many conservative leaders agreed with this assessment. Bismarck had cashiered kings, gone to war against conservative regimes, and adopted policies that promoted rapid industrialization. Their fears were further enhanced when he joined liberals in a campaign against political Catholicism (Kulturkampf) in 1873 (Carr).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bismarck had not counted on the emergence of new parties such as the Catholic Centre or the Social Democrats, both of whom began participating in imperial and Prussian elections in the early 1870s. Along with the left liberal Progressive Party, he labeled them all enemies of the empire (Reichsfeinde). Each in its own way rejected his vision of a united Germany. The Progressives found the empire too conservative and its elite essentially feudal; the socialists questioned its capitalist character; and for the Centre the empire was Protestant and too centralized (Kent). Bismarck's aim was clearly to destroy the Catholic Centre Party. He and the liberals feared the appeal of a clerical party to the one-third of Germans who professed Roman Catholicism. In Prussia the minister of public worship and education, Adalbert Falk, with Bismarck's blessing, introduced a series of bills establishing civil marriage, limiting the movement of the clergy, and dissolving religious orders. All church appointments were to be approved by the state. Clerical civil servants were purged from the Prussian administration. Hundreds of parishes and several bishoprics were left without incumbents (Sempell). The Kulturkampf failed to achieve its goals and, if anything, convinced the Catholic minority that their fear of persecution was real. Bismark gradually relented in his campaign, especially after the death of the activist pope, Pius IX, in 1878. But he never relented in his hatred for the Centre leader, Ludwig Windthorst, a Hanoverian who had earlier experienced Bismarck's methods in the annexation of his kingdom. Bismarck's speeches continued to be barbed with anticlericalism until his fall in 1890 (Carr). In 1878-79 Bismarck initiated a significant change in economic policy, which coincided with his new alliance with the conservative parties at the expense of the liberals.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Essay

1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in your area of responsibility Our organisation is built upon person centred practice and which I uphold this in my daily practice. Person centred practice is defined as the belief in the others potential and ability to make the right choices for him or herself, regardless of the therapist’s own values, beliefs and ideas (BAPCA, 2013). In applying this to people who access our service users this means that care plans are designed with the individual at the centre presenting both choice and control to our clients. This is reflected in legislation produced by the UNCRC which states that people have the right to say what they think should happen when making decisions that affect them and that people with any kind of disability should have special care and support so that they can lead full and independent lives (2011). This model celebrates diversity and conforms to the idea of egalitarianism by recogn ising that everyone is equal in social status; therefore people are treated in the same way because although people differ they all equally deserve (Arneson, 2013). Conversely this also means removing the inequalities that affect people so that they can achieve similar life circumstances and present be presented with equal life standards. This is applied to my practice by considering a person’s preferences, for example the way each individual prefer to communicate and be communicated with and their likes and dislikes in relation to community activities. Taking individual’s preferences into account when designing and operating a service recognises a service user’s wishes, needs and rights. Therefore this helps to diminish the production of a generic ‘one size fits all’ provision which does not value the individual. This way of designing services also gives power to the client, moving away from the idea of the professional as the expert, and takes into account their desired level and type of involvement within the community activities. By valuing and including the individual at every level of their service from design to implementation and then regularly reviewing their service maintains client position of being in control of and truly involved in their service. These personal choices connect to making sure that everyone receives the same rights relating to inclusion within the community and a provision that treats each individual with dignity and respect. Another model of practice that underpins our service is the Social Model of Disability which sites  disability as a creation of society’s shortcomings by resisting adapting and changing to include people with disabilities (Carson, 2009). Society is therefore the cause of a person’s disablement rather than solely belonging to the person themselves. With this in mind, my area of responsibility encompasses accessing mainstream services and including service users in daily activities within the community to establish connections, build familiarity and promoting independency. This is not without obstacles as services and locations must be risk assessed, taking into account an individual’s personal preferences as well as the suitability of a place, to ensure that service users have fair and equal access to environments and opportunities. Arneson, R. (2013) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available from: [Accessed 25 August 2014] BAPCA (The British Association for the Person-Centred Approach) (2013) What is the Person-Centred Approach? Available from: [Accessed 19 August 2014] Carson, G. on behalf of the Scottish Accessible Information Forum (2009) The Social Model of Disability. Available from: [Accessed 25 August 2014] UNCRC (The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) (2013) Your Rights. Available from: [Accessed 19 August 2014] 1.2 Analyse the potential effects of barriers to equality and inclusion in your area of responsibility Potential barriers to equality and inclusion within my area of responsibility exist on several levels due to working with disabled service users engaging within the community. In reference to the matrix of oppression (Hardiman and Jackson, 1997) social oppression is maintained and operationalised at three levels: the individual, the institutional and the societal. It explains that these can be displayed through behaviours and/or attitudes both consciously and unconsciously. The effects of these barriers can be the reduced access to certain environments because of lack of lift or necessary aids or the implementation of processes  by organisations that do not allow for the differences amongst all people within society. Barriers within my area of responsibility can come from the prejudgement that people with impairments cannot operate within mainstream society which is a form of social exclusion that upholds segregation. By seeking separate services or opportunities that are specifically designed to eliminate all risk denies individuals the possibility of inclusion within mainstream services. This again links to the social model of disability placing the issues with society’s reluctance to change and adapt to incorporate everyone rather than with an individual’s personal medical diagnosis (Carson, 2009). This is not helped by the media portrayal of disabled people as being helpless or subject to positive discrimination or by being excluded from many public forums altogether. Bronfenbrenner (1979) viewed the social environment as a great influence on people and that being subjected to other people’s attitudes and perceptions of disability, especially from people who are non-disab led, helps individuals to influence perceptions of oneself. If people with impairments are not expected or encouraged to progress in life they may assume that this is something that they are not capable of and internalise this oppression. On an individual level an individual’s behaviour and attitude towards their inability to progress could result in anger/frustration or passivity/ambivalence when consistently faced with supposedly unachievable goals. This is combated in our organisations by attempting to understand the abilities and needs of those who access our service and provide service users with the same social and civil rights through risk assessed opportunities to succeed and progress. Within our organisation barriers to inclusion can lie with members of staff being reluctant to join in with certain activities for their own personal reasons reducing the equality of opportunity for service users. These can be formed by beliefs in of a negative outcome for the service user or a the reluctance to perform a task themselves. As part of my role each activity is risk assessed and the possibility of negative outcomes is managed and reviewed. From reading day reports and regularly talking to both staff and service users about the suitability of their timetables and the locations they are accessing helps to address any concerns and reinforce to staff that, as a person centred service, the outcomes are for the service user’s benefit. This is helped by critically reflecting on practice to see  how services and positive outcomes can be improved. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Carson, G. on behalf of the Scottish Accessible Information Forum (2009) The Social Model of Disability. Available from: [Accessed 25 August 2014] Hardiman, R. and Jackson, B. W. (1997) Conceptual foundations for social justice courses, in Adams, M. A., Bell, L. A. and Griffin, P. (eds) Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice: A Sourcebook. New York: Routledge 1.3 Analyse the impact of legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion Services such as the one I work for aim to enable people to participate within society using a person-centred approach considering that all service users are experts in their own lives. Participation is a requirement reflected in policies created to ensure people with impairments have input into the creation of the services and mandates that directly affect people’s lives. Personalisation was introduced through legislation which is â€Å"primarily a way of thinking about services and those who use them, rather than being a worked out set of policy prescriptions† (Needham, 2014, p.92). Direct payments and personal budgets both upholding these principles and were detailed in The Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 (Great Britain, 1996) introduced to ensure greater choice, control and independence for people with disability. By designing and assessing se rvices from the ‘bottom-up’ this approach stems from the consumerist model of participation and empowers service users to gain information to choose and access their own services (Kemshall and Littlechild, 2000). By giving service user’s choice rather than standard provision this recognises diversity and individual need which requires a service to be designed around a person. Having the ability to choose one’s services creates the equality of opportunity and helps adapt to each person’s wishes and ideals concerning inclusion. The allocation of personal budgets may not be suitable for all when considering the struggle of being responsible for locating and accessing provision for service users dealing with significant health issues. Also although budgets can be spent at the  discretion of the service user, rising costs and diminishing resources can mean that affording essential care limits the prospect of community involvement and therefore reduces social inclusion. Another act of legislation to impact upon the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion is the Equality Act (2010) which protects people with certain protected characteristics, including disability, from direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation. This protects people from discrimination arising if this means that someone is treated unfavourably as a consequence of their disability. Equality in itself and the true meaning of the act ensures that everyone has the same chances to do what they can and consequently some people may need extra help to get the same chances. This act promoted the inclusion of a diverse range of people within jobs and communities and also the introduction of equality monitoring forms to evidence that workplaces and services were being opened to all. The introduction of this legislation meant that people would be awarded positions based on merit and justify that all people would have a fair and equal chance opportunity not be treated less favourably. This is reflected in our company policies and the way we help connect those who access our service and their community. It also meant that public places had a duty to make reasonable adjustments to allow access to all by making structural changes where necessary to avoid any disadvantage. Subsequently the building we use is all on one floor containing no steps and is fitted with several appliances and aids to assist those who need help. Kemshall, H. and Littlechild, R. (eds) (2000) User Involvement and Participation in Social Care. London: Jessica Kingsley. Needham, C. (2014) Personalization: From day centres to community hubs? Critical Social Policy, 34(1): 90-108. Great Britain (1996) Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1990 (London: HMSO), ch. 30. Great Britain (2010) Equality Act (London: The Stationery Office) ch. 15. 3.1 Analyse how systems and processes can promote equality and inclusion or reinforce discrimination and exclusion Systems and processes are constantly  being updated externally by governments and councils and should often be reviewed internally to make sure that businesses are adhering to any changes and to make sure that the internal processes are working for those attending the company. By not adapting to current legislation are not upholding the law this can be for a number of reasons such as not keeping up to date with new amendments or legislation, that their way of working is more convenient for the workers or management or by becoming set if their ways. This can mean that service users are not receiving the best quality service or that certain outdated procedures are no longer approved and therefore should not be practiced. Setting a standard and equal level for all service users’ community provision means that everyone is treated equally, at the same time this means that personal differences are not being taken into account and therefore this reinforces discrimination by not allowing each person to engage in their own way. Excluding individuals from certain activities because they are unsuitable for other people means that they are not being given the full scope to expand engage in their interests which in turn excludes options based on the assessment of others. As an example when attempting to gain information on how to improve services a questionnaire may be designed to capture the views of clients and their families on how a service is meeting people’s needs. This questionnaire may have been designed with the idea in mind to promote equality and inclusion and help to tailor future ideas to those directly in contact with the service. Conversely supplying only a paper questionnaire excludes the views of anyone who cannot read or write and therefore will only capture the views of a certain number of people. This process would be better suited to a method of capturing data whereby it is decided upon what information needs to be gathered and then setting about producing flexible and varied methods to ensure everyone is included in the consultation. By reviewing services and auditing practice in line with current legislation companies can avoid providing a generic and outdated service. Having regular staff meetings to ensure that good practice can be shared and to create a strong working partnership where everyone understands and issues and consents to any ideas to do with working patterns and initiatives. Another idea in line with ensuring that systems and processes are working properly and promote equality is by involving external assessors to get a fair view of how well staff are trained and are up to  date on their practice and can they check that all staff understand the ways that they are working in line with the companies philosophies. This reduces nepotism and negates any personal feelings within a workforce by having impartial assessors take facts on face value, such as is paperwork all being completed accordingly, checking training records and reviewing processes. 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of systems and processes in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in your area of responsibility There are several systems and processes in my area of responsibility that promote equality, diversity and inclusion including making specific improvements to individual clients service provision and liaising with staff to ensure they feel competent at performing their roles. Firstly, by getting feedback from staff, service users and their families and through direct observation improvements can be made to aid clients in providing a better service. This can only be done through a process of collecting evidence and evaluating the outcomes and benefits for service users. Substantial evidence is required in order to make changes with service users that honour their personal preferences and act in their best interests. Making a case for change through a set system and by taking time over helping to discover and explore the best options takes time; this of course is over ruled in a case where a service user is at risk of harm where we will act as soon as possible to remove that risk. By building up a profile, with service user’s help, our company can adapt to changes for each individual and help to review care plans and timetables to provide the most fluid and coherent service possible. This method is effective as it is based on solid and substantial evidence from many sources and helps service users to express informed choice about how they can best access the community. This is also a slow process, which can cause frustrations but by ensuring that the correct improvements are made the first time limits unnecessary change. Secondly, having regular meetings with staff and ensuring that any concerns or praise is received is essential to a good staff moral and how to maintain an inclusive working environment. Many of the opportunities I have to meet with staff are informally, either face-to-face or on the phone. I often have to address issues then and there and seek out information to assist within a set timescale. Timescales are essential as they provide staff with realistic  measures to have their needs met or to be supplied with information, this helps to build confidence in an inclusive integrated working team. Processes are in place for new staff to make sure that they call read the care plans of the service users that they will be working with and sign them to signal that they have understood and will apply the contents in their practice. This system is essential as it helps staff to get a picture of a person before they start to work with them and accept their personal preferences and adapt to suit each individual. This promotes equality, diversity and inclusion as all staff receive the same training and are accountable for recognising the specific ways to work with individuals with specific needs. By supporting staff directly and being willing to help when they need it in the different ways that it is required, even if this is by referring them to someone more experienced or competent than myself, means that staff recognise our efforts in helping them to work effectively. Consequently as part of the process, reviewing past issues or concerns with staff means that progress can be measured and confidence in their development can be confirmed. 3.3 Propose improvements to address gaps or shortfalls in systems and processes Recording and reporting is paramount when working with a service that cares for individuals who may not always be able to communicate their preferences and opinions clearly. Making sure the correct information is relayed and disseminated efficiently to create consistency for clients in our ways of working is essential. The importance of reporting and recording is that clear, comprehensive and up to date information is disseminated to anyone working with service users and that we can provide a linear and consistent way of working. In an attempt to try to record occurrences during each shift staff are asked to complete day reports at the conclusion of every service; this is to be done as soon as possible to retain any details even minute which may help to build a bigger picture of how to adapt to a service user’s needs. As a part of my role I have been asked to redesign these day reports, seeking help from the individuals themselves, the Good Practice Manager and member of staff who regularly working to support the individuals. Sometimes this is required as part of a mandatory annual review of a service users care plan or because of concerns that our service is not meeting the needs of an individual. This process can be particularly slow and takes time to make sure that it is done correctly.  Getting the chance to gather all staff together, including the individual and their family is often complicated. Redesigning each individual’s day report from the generic format means that we can gather a daily catalogue of the specific type of information necessary to helping bring about changes and provide an effective service. One of the gaps I have found in logging these day reports is that not all staff completed them, let alone hand them in within the 48 hour window of when they should be received. This also negates the reasoning behind designing new day reports if they are not being filled in. I understand how important these reports are to helping support our service users but I also understand that after a long day of work completing these forms in your own time (unpaid) is not the most appealing prospect. Being part of every member of staff’s job role not completing these day reports can lead to disciplinary measures. Alternatively I believe that a proposed improvement would be rewarding and recognising when staff have completed all their relevant forms and celebrating this as I myself understand the effort and dedication this requires. This approach of focusing on the positive helps to highlight good practice rather than reprimand bad practice. Also in giving staff equal opportunities if day reports are not being completed meeting to discuss the cause means adaptations can be made in light of personal requirements if necessary. Other than this, giving staff the paid time to complete these forms would also be appreciated although I understand that this also causes issues because if staff are then being paid to complete the day reports and are not doing so this creates a bigger issue for management. 4.1 Describe ethical dilemmas that may arise in your area of responsibility when balancing individual rights and duty of care When balancing individual rights and duty of care there are several points in relation to ethical dilemmas involved in ensuring that service users remain safe but are still accessing a full inclusive range of activities. For this question I will take an example I have not yet come into contact with but may well do in the course of my work. An ethical dilemma in my working practice could be a service user choosing not to take their medication. This crosses a lot of lines as it indicates personal choice but also can clash with a service user’s best interests. From the medication training I have had any  medication I help to administer to a service user must be done with my full knowledge of the process of how to dispense it and why the service user is taking it. In some circumstances this medication is essential to a service user’s well-being on an emotional or physical level. This is a dilemma that I would need to seek advice on, firstly from the Good Practice Manager at work and the GP whose jurisdiction the service user belongs to. As it is always a service user’s choice to take any type of medication the only intervention would be if a service user was at significant risk to themselves or others because of this reduction in medication. ‘Significant harm’ is defined as the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention relating to the impairment of a person’s health and development (Children Act, 1989). If I were informed of a situation like this I would require documentation of how regularly a service user has opted not to take medication and if they consistently refuse then medical professionals would need to be informed and the effects of doing so would need to be monitored. In extreme cases this may mean medical intervention or hospitalisation if a service user was deteriorating. This relates to the issue of informed choice by helping to outline a service users options and discuss the possible outcomes as a part of risk management. When an individual understands the reasoning behind options by being given fair and balanced advice this can aid them in comprehending the outcomes of their actions. This being said there is often an ethical imbalance between our own personal views and beliefs and that of someone else. In these instances reflection can be useful to understand where feelings or ideas routed and help to understand my input in a situation and where I should step back to make sure I do not cause influence. Also the instance outlined above breaches into confidentiality as well because I am required to record when a service user takes their medication and if they asked me not to inform anyone that they had ceased taking it I would still be required to pass on this information. Falsifying records is not acceptable within the remit of my role and this misinformation could lead to serious consequences for both myself and service users. Great Britain. Children Act [online].Chapter 41. (1989) Available from: [Accessed 29 August 2014]. 4.2 Explain the principle of informed choice In order for any services to be carried out by our company there needs to be informed consent from each individual to the implementation of such actions; in cases where individuals do not have the capacity to consent their guardian are required to do so. Informed consent can only be given if those accessing our services are allowed to make informed choices. Detailed in a relevant White Paper (OKDHS, 2002, p6) â€Å"informed choice involves the exchange and understanding of relevant information so that a knowledgeable, reasoned and un-pressured decision can be made† it stresses that the individual or their representative must have â€Å"the competence and legal capacity to make such choices†. In order to make an informed choice â€Å"one needs to build up a picture of the available options and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each† based on a range of high quality, un-biased and relevant information (Baxter, K., Glendinning, C. and Clarke, S., 2008). Individuals are entitled to informed choices as experts in their own lives when making decisions. Putting this into context within my role this means supporting service users to make informed choices about the services they receive in an enabling environment; this being a place where individuals can experiment safely and voice their opinions without fear of repercussion. This can be done by supplying the individual with relevant information and discussing the outcomes of certain scenarios. This requires a non-judgemental stand point and the information given should be impartial and devoid of advice or personal connection. The understanding that individual’s may make different choices to you is an important part of risk management. Outcomes should be supported with the knowledge that all the necessary information has been provided and there is no risk of significant harm to the individual. It is essential to consider both the short and long term outcomes with the service user and to compare the idea of their choice with the reality once undertaken to understand the benefits and potential harms as a result. Issues that arise when considering the impact of informed choice include ethical concerns about whether someone’s choice is in their own best interest, this relates to issues of power. These can be overcome by recognising that we all have the right to make our own choices but can become experts by experience given the opportunity. In relation to service users who are deemed to lack the mental capacity to make informed choices  the Mental Capacity Act (Great Britain, 2005) allows individuals the right to select carers to make decisions on their behalf to be made in their best interests; I will discuss this act more thoroughly in the next point (4.3). My role as a professional is to implementing their informed choice and assist by reviewing the impact of this through specific time measured outcomes. Baxter, K., Glendinning, C. and Clarke, S. (2008) Making informed choices in social care: The importance of accessible information, Health and Social Care in the Community, 16, 2, 197-207 Great Britain (2005) Mental Capacity Act 2005 (London: The Stationary Office), ch 9. OKDHS (2002) Principles and Guidelines for Service Delivery Concepts of Informed Choice and Informed Consent. Available from: [Accessed 26 August 2014] 4.3 Explain how issues of individual capacity may affect informed choice Individual capacity impacts upon informed choice when a person is unable to make their own decisions. According to the Mental Health Act (2005) is a set of rules which protect you if you are not able to make decisions and mental capacity is the ability to make your own decisions. It states that in order to make a decision you need to be able to understand all the information relevant to making that decision, use or weigh up that information, keep or remember that information, have the means to communicate your decision to someone else. It also states that making an unwise decision is different than not being able to make a decision. Individual capacity must be assessed before deemed an individual is deemed to lack such capacity. There is a test contained within the Mental Capacity Act which has to be completed for each decision that needs to be made as capacity can vary depending on the decision being made and is completed by a health care professional. The assessment entails being able to understand the information needed to make the decision, being able to remember and recall that information, being able to understand the result or outcome of the choice you are making, or being able to tell people your decision in any way, such as talking, sign language or squeezing someone’s hand. In the case where an individual is deems to lack in individual capacity to make an informed choice decisions others will have to make decisions on your behalf. This legislation protects carers and  healthcare professionals. If they think you need care or treatment and you lack capacity they have a legal right to treat you without your consent. The issues surrounding individual capacity and informed choice affect out care as we would have to direct our personal centred care based on information and decisions made by others rather than the individual who we care for. Ensuring that any individual in our care has a high level of service that respects their privacy and dignity is one of the philosophies that our company is based on so engaging, including and communicating any service user in their daily routine would still be our priority. That is not to say that we would inform an individual of their care plan and their engagement if this were deemed stressful for the client and a decision would need to be made on a case by case basis. All information and facts gathered from the following pages: Mental Capacity Act (2005) cited in Rethink Mental Illness (2014) Mental capacity and mental illness. Available from: [Accessed 26 August 2014] 4.4 Propose a strategy to manage risks when balancing individual rights and duty of care in your area of responsibility By completing risk assessments and creating appropriate procedures based on current knowledge and by pre-empting situations and management strategies before incidents occur help to uphold our duty of care as an organisation. Strategies that are used to manage risk include devising action plans including, where possible, service users and their families and friends. By using the knowledge of service users and their capacity to express what they like and dislike as well as their preferences is essential in designing a service around an individual. Documenting and disseminating current and up to date information to all staff working with any individual using are service means that we can provide continuity of service, information on how to manage certain risks and help to fulfil a service users wants and needs. Team meetings and regular core group meeting about a servi ce, again preferably including service users, provide the opportunity to monitoring and review any changes and developments for a service user’s health and well-being. By being clear  about everyone’s role and responsibilities within a service and how best to record and report information, depending on its importance relaying it to people in the correct way and within the shortest time frame. Respecting individual’s rights can bring up ethical dilemma and concerns which staff are instructed to discuss as soon as possible and to record when reporting on each service to be assess and reviewed under our duty of care. This is to benefit individual’s attending our service by keeping them safe, in both the short and long term. Each individual has the right to informed choice and to have these choices supported even if they conflict with our own. Through proper assessment and review the impact of a service user’s choice can be monitored and justified based on their rights to be continued as long as they are not deemed to be causing harm to themselves of others. Legislation is always changing and it is imperative that as an organisation we are up to date on current laws and policies that govern our service. An example of the balance of individual rights and duty of care may include a service user choosing not to wear their seatbelt when using their wheelchair. Legislation states that when the wheelchair is in motion the belt should be worn to prevent harm to the user. In this case a risk assessment should be carried out and the possible consequences of not wearing the belt explained to the user. If their choice remains the same then advice must be sought depending on the usage of the chair and the necessity of them wearing the belt and if it is imperative then seeking consent from service user, or in relevant cases their family. If this is seen as restriction of rights then receiving signed confirm that this is their choice would be required. This information should then be relayed to all staff working with this service user and explained that caution must be used when using the wheelchair. Ideally asking staff to sign to say they have understood the new procedures and risk assessment and this should be reviewed regularly. Disability Discrimination Act (1995) Equality Act (2010) Mental Health Act (1983) NHS and Community Care Act (1990) Websites and reading; Care Quality Commission ,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Nacirema

In review of the article â€Å"Body Ritual Among the Nacirema† by Horace Miner, this was a very satirical piece on how Native Americans had a very ritualistic approach towards many religious ceremonies and how they interacted with each other at these ceremonies. Horace Miner brought up very appalling view points about the native Americans. The way he worded his synopsis of his studies was very dark and oppressive. Almost making the foreigners to him seem animalistic. When in real life they were doing things such as going to the doctor and getting their teeth cleaned but since he did not know the tools they were using it was foreign to him. This makes me wonder what I actually see in other cultures to be foreign or domestic. I may go to another country in a remote place and see very odd things and maybe be shocked but to those people it is the proven science to survival for them. Also in the satirical aspect of this paper it makes me think of how we should look at people. After reading through the article it seemed that the anthropologist went into this looking for something out of the ordinary. In studying each person seems to look and key on the interesting facts, but if you look to hard and over exaggerate it seems to imbelish what was actually happening. So actually it seems that even though this article was satirical in its purpose it over eggagerated the tools and purposes of medicine practices then and made people appear to be something that they actually were not.